Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lab 2: IR Identification of Analgesics by Brittani Summers

Purpose: To identify drugs using Infrared Spectroscopy

Introduction: Infrared Spectrometers use radiation to identify certain substances. The radiation from the light strikes the substance and the spectrometer shows waves. The peaks from the waves show the different types of chemical bonds formed in the substance.

  • IR Cards
  • IR Spectrometer
  • Samples 2 & 5


  1. Side A of one IR card was placed into the Spectrometer and served as the background/control of the experiment.
  2. Side B of one of the IR Cards was placed into the Spectrometer containing Sample 2.
  3. Side B of the other IR Card was placed into the Spectrometer containing Sample 5.
  4. The graph of the the transmittance of the two substances was then printed.
  5. Later on, the drugs within the substance was then discovered by the peaks of the waves transmitted through the Spectrometer. The use of table titled "Characteristic Infrared Absorption Frequencies" was used to discover the bonds featured in the structures of the possible drugs in the mixture.


Sample 2 contained each of the following:

1750 absorbance: C=O ester

1300 absorbance: C--O alcohols, ethers, and esters

2900 absorbance: O--H acids

Sample 2 contained Aspirin as well as Tylenol

Sample 5 contained each of the following:

3300 absorbance: N--H amines

2900 absorbance: O--H acids

1300 absorbance: C--O alcohols, ethers, esters

Sample 5 contained Tylenol and Ibuprofen

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